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Hertzsoft celebrates Second Hertzsoft Day

Events | 19 Dec 2019 | 4670

We are elated to announce that Hertzsoft Technologies has recently completed 2 years of its glorious journey on 19th December 2019. Every small step has been worth celebrating. These past years have been a period of growth and a learning experience for us as we went through several permutations and combinations, trials and errors. Hertzsoft‘s unique journey has been a brick-by-brick progress and has entailed years of channeled efforts. It started with only 9 members and today, its business has proliferated. The primary aim of the company has been to equip with all possible accoutrements to tackle on- challenges. Today’s ever changing face of businesses demands deeper knowledge, quality, and on-time delivery. The company has tuned well with the heartbeat of the market and started offering courses on forthcoming technologies. Hertzsoft will continue its journey towards innovating the new ways of delivering its excellence to the aspirants and lending a hand to achieve professional goals. Some the members and professional responsible for the growth in the year 2019 2nd Anniversary Celebration of Hertzsoft Technologies & Appreciation Ceremony MR. REHAN IDRISI Most dedicated Member of the Year 2019 MR. SAHIL CHOUGALE Most Dedicated Staff of the Year 2019 MR. SHUDHANSHU SINGH Most Talented Staff of the year 2019 The awards were distributed by Hertzsoft CEO, MR. SAQIB GHATTE and whole-heartedly thanked everyone for making 2019 again a successful year in History of Hertzsoft.

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