Hertzsoft’s Founder & CEO, SAQIB GHATTE conducted consecutively three expert lectures on “Python Programming” in the month of December 2019 at M.H Saboo Siddik Polytechnic, Mumbai. These three expert lecture was conducted in Computers Engineering (CO), Information Technology (IF) and Electronics & Telecommunication Dept. (EXTC) respectively. These sessions included an introduction Python Programming and why it is getting high boom in IT industries and what will be near future. It covered many important topics of Python such as Looping, Functions, Classes & Objects etc. These lectures are intended to provide the students with an opportunity to get a head start in Python, which is an emerging technology in the IT World. Python is an easy to learn, interesting and powerful programming language. It has now became must learn programming language for every IT Professional. Hertzsoft continuously keeps conducted such workshops and courses for Python Programming. You can drop us a mail or contact message if you are interested to learn this trending technology.

Hertzsoft conducts consecutive 3 Expert Lecture in M. H. Saboo Siddik Polytechni
Training | 12 Feb 2020 | 5012