Upgrade your tech skills and future-proof your career with our cutting-edge institute Hertzsoft's Educare!

Java is an Object Oriented, General, Multi-Purpose and one of the most trending programming language. Java evolved in year 1995 and till now has always topped the Tiobe Index. Although many new technologies are evolved but more than 9000 companies still rely on Java Programming including Airbnb, Uber, Netflix, Spotify, Amazon etc.

A senior Java Developer gets a salary of around 10 lakhs p.a.

Many institutes quote upto Rs. 70,000 for Java Courses but Hertzsoft brings this same course in Rs. 5000 only.

Whom is this course for?

    • Professionals seeking Job in IT Industry. This course helps to get clear idea about ample of programming concepts and makes you confident for Job Interviews.
    • Students seeking Diploma/Degree in Engineering and have Java as a part of their syllabus.
    • Any student curious to gain practical knowledge on programming with Hands-on training.


    • Basic Computer Knowledge & Mathematics Knowledge is expected
    • No programming or any kind of professional course knowledge is expected


90 Hours




₹ 5000 /-

Book your seat now !!!

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